Subsidy contract: РД- 02-29-110/08.11.2023
Project acronym: Joining for Safer Borders
Ref. No. BGTR0100002
Project name: Increasing capacity and improving cooperation of law enforcement authorities on the territories of Burgas, Haskovo and Yambol districts, Edirne and Kırklareli provinces in the field of migration
Priority: 3 - More secure cross-border region
Specific objective: SO7.2 - Mobility and migration management
Call: Restricted Call for Strategic Project Proposal
Lead partner: Burgas Regional Directorate of Ministry of Interior
Project partners: Haskovo Regional Directorate of Ministry of Interior,
Yambol Regional Directorate of Ministry of Interior,
Edirne Governorship,
Governorship of Kirklareli
Project total budget: 1.730.647,00 EUR
Project duration: 24 months
Project start day: 08.11.2023
Project summary:
The “Increasing the capacity and improving the cooperation of law enforcement authorities on the territories of Burgas, Haskovo and Yambol districts, Edirne and Kırklareli provinces in the field of migration management” project addresses the major challenges related to cross-border area vulnerability to illegal migration:
the need to strengthen the capacity of the national migration management and security systems by involving and improving the operational abilities of the law enforcement authorities responsible for ensuring safety and security on the inland territory;
demand for sufficient capacities, innovative and integrated approaches for adequate respond to dynamic migration processes and especially those including illegal migration practices;
to meet the priorities of the European agenda on migration, safe and secure border areas by enhancing the potential for integrated reaction at both political and institutional levels.
The overall objective of the project comprises those challenges in a joint partner driven effort to improve the functional and operational abilities of the law enforcement authorities in the cross-border area to respond to the specific security and humanitarian challenges related to illegal migration through a collaborative and a solidarity-based approach. The framework of the project is structured around specific objectives and activities integrating trainings and creation of a common framework of knowledge and skills with modernization of equipment, acquisition of video surveillance facilities and joint demonstration initiatives.
Employees of Burgas, Haskovo and Yambol Regional Directorates of the Ministry of Interior and servants of Edirne and Kirklareli Law enforcement authorities will benefit from the project outputs and results in terms of improved competences, operational abilities and new perspectives for strengthening police cross-border cooperation.
The project has a clear regional cross-border focus aiming to promote, support and develop the role of the regional law enforcement structures in the national migration management and security systems in order to meet the increased expectations and multiplied responsibilities assigned to those structures in the context of the migration phenomenon.
Project activities:
Trainings to improve the abilities for effective functioning of the law enforcement structures - training activities which will address the level of knowledge and competences of the law enforcement units at both sides of the border about EU acquis in the field of migration, together with the need for acquiring key skills and competences related to communication, stress and crisis management, basic language skills.
Strengthening the operational capacity of the law enforcement structures in the cross-border area - investments in specialized equipment and video surveillance facilities related to and applicable in the day to day professional activity of the law enforcement departments in the cross-border area but also building upon the overall capacity of the competent institutions to perform joint operations and to interact in situation of crisis.
Actions to improve coordination in response to inland illegal migration in the cross-border area - establishment of good practices for coordinated efforts and joint actions both at institutional and operational levels to bring value and synergies with other project components dedicated to improvement of abilities and level of knowledge.