Ms Magali Lenoel, representative of DG Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission, and the Joint Secretariat of the INTERREG – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey Programme visited on November 30th 2022 the project “Cross-border Regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH”, implemented by Trakya University Edirne - Project partner No 2 in the project.
Earlier in the day, Ms Magali Lenoel participated also in the opening of the event “Blue Growth Project Market”, which was conducted in the period 30.11.2022 – 01.12.2022 as part of project activities.
Together with JS main office Haskovo and JS Antenna office Edirne, Ms Lenoel observed with significant interest the premises of the three laboratories situated in the Technology Research and Development Application and Research Center - Water Pollution Monitoring Lab, Aquatic Ecosystems Analysis and Modelling Lab, Aquaculture and Biotechnology Lab. The premises are refurbished and furnished with project funds and will soon be equipped to finalise the process of improving the capacity of the Blue Growth Research centre at Trakya University of Edirne. The guests were acquainted with the typical work of the laboratories, and the methods for sample collection, storage and analyses which are currently performed within the project, and will be tested with the modern equipment for application of the developed methodologies for monitoring water pollution of riverine and marine ecosystems, including such from diffuse sources.