First call for concept notes under the Territorial Strategy

Instructions for filling out Annex A8 “Climate proofing self-assessment”

According to the Decision of the 13th Written Procedure of the Monitoring Committee of the programme, the Managing Authority is delivering an explanatory note for filling out Annex A8 "Climate proofing self-assessment checklist” to the existing Guide for submission of full project proposals. The Annex has to be populated for each construction/infrastructure site included in the project proposal.

Call for identified applicants to develop and submit full project proposals under the Territorial Strategy of the (Interreg VI-A) Bulgaria-Türkiye Programme 2021-2027

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria

(Managing Authority)

in cooperation with

Directorate for European Union Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye 

(National Authority)

of the (INTERREG VI-A) Bulgaria-Türkiye Programme 2021-2027


Public consultations on the Guide for application with concept notes under the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Türkiye programme 2021-2027

The Operational Unit of the Territorial Strategy Management Board of the INTERREG-IPA Bulgaria-Türkiye 2021-2027 Programme published for public consultations the Guide for application with concept notes under the Territorial Strategy of the Programme, which may be funded by Priority 2 "Integrated Development of the Cross-Border Region".