Launch of the submission of full project proposals of identified concept notes under the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Türkiye programme

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works launches the second phase for application with full project proposals under the Territorial Strategy of the cross-border cooperation programme between Bulgaria and Türkiye. Only pre-defined applicants with already identified concept notes can submit full project proposals under the procedure.

41 project proposals have been submitted under Priority 1: “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”

The deadline for submitting project proposals under the open call for proposals under Priority 1: “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”, Specific objective 2.1 “Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions” and Specific objective 2.6 “Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy” has ended on March 20, 2

Timetable of planned calls for proposals in 2024

The planned calls for proposals in 2024 from the Bulgaria-Türkiye programme can be found in the attached file.