41 project proposals have been submitted under Priority 1: “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”

The deadline for submitting project proposals under the open call for proposals under Priority 1: “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”, Specific objective 2.1 “Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions” and Specific objective 2.6 “Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy” has ended on March 20, 2

REGIOSTARS 2024 competition is on the way

For the 16th time, DG REGIO launched the annual REGIOSTARS competition. The contest has become a symbol of excellence in EU funded projects that demonstrate the impact of European Regional policy.

In 2024, there are five project categories:

Last QnA for greening SMEs

Only 14 days remain before the deadline for submission of project proposals in the field of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse emissions of SMEs. All the questions received with detailed explanations can be found here.