
Invitation to participate in EU-wide consultation on post-2027 Bulgaria-Türkiye programme

We are excited to invite you to join the EU-wide consultation that will lay the foundations of the future Interreg Programmes. This is your chance to share your vision and to inspire changes for the future of the Bulgaria-Türkiye cross-border region.

By participating in the 16-question survey, you will help us to identify the key topics for cooperation, to take stock of what we have done by now and to suggest improvements.

Bulgaria-Türkiye programme grabbed the prize for the most original event on the ICDay 2023

The canoe & sailing training on the celebration of the Interreg Cooperation Day 2023 in Gökçetepe, Türkiye, seized the award for most original event in the Interact contest. The initiative rewards the best ideas in the organization of the ICDay.

The event of the Bulgaria-Türkiye programme brought together canoers and surfers from the two countries. More than 200 participants enjoyed the possibility to explore the sea on board and to test their stamina.

Launch of the submission of full project proposals of identified concept notes under the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Türkiye programme

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works launches the second phase for application with full project proposals under the Territorial Strategy of the cross-border cooperation programme between Bulgaria and Türkiye. Only pre-defined applicants with already identified concept notes can submit full project proposals under the procedure. This is a total of 27 ideas in the field of competitiveness, digitalization, labor market and tourism, divided into a main and a reserve list.

41 project proposals have been submitted under Priority 1: “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”

The deadline for submitting project proposals under the open call for proposals under Priority 1: “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”, Specific objective 2.1 “Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions” and Specific objective 2.6 “Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy” has ended on March 20, 2024.

41 projects have been submitted within the deadline from SMEs, active in the Cross-border region between Bulgaria and Türkiye, divided as follows:

Presentations on the open call for SMEs

The Managing Authority of Bulgaria-Türkiye programme draws your attention on a bundle of presentations on the current call for proposals from priority 1 “Environmentally friendly cross-border region”. All you need to know in a nutshell on the preparation and implementation process can be found in the files below. Shall you plunge into a project submission, pay attention to the deadline – March 20.